Welcome to Holy Week!

As the Covid-19 Pandemic continues, we seek ways to engage in fun faith-full ways during this Holy season.

Join us on Palm Sunday for the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem - with rabble-rousers and nay-sayers. You can join us in person or online. We will have a tea party with Jesus during Spirit Academy and decorate personal cookies.

Come back on Easter Sunday at 9:45am for an all-ages Easter Egg Hunt and light Easter Breakfast of hot cross buns, coffee, tea, juice and eggs-ceptional eggs! During service we will have the Final Countdown to Jesus' Revealing as the resurrected Christ! and fun activities for children of all ages!

Then... make sure you come back on May 1 for Canadian National Labyrinth Day and May Day activites. 

Click on the link below for a printable version of all the details - as well as daily At-Home Holy Week reflections.

Blessings on your Holy Week Journey.

Sophia & Carley